o all those who are concerned with the Oneness
> movement,
> I, Giri Alias Anandagiri, given the position of an
> Acharya, have taught the public many things, but I have
> failed in teaching people to think independently and read in
> between lines and understand the behind -scene activities of
> the ‘Oneness Cult”.
> I am inspired by Samadarshini’s bold step of
> writing personal mail to people and feel the need to write
> my version of the current events at the Oneness movement to
> support the truth.
> Through this e-mail I am attempting to cover the
> points which Samadarshini might have not covered so that no
> matter Sri Bhagavan or Krishnaji posts fake ‘important
> messages’ on their web-site (onenessindia.org) or
> other sites with Samadarshini/any of our names on it, people
> will have the opportunity to take a stand based on
> truth.
> My intention is not to attack Sri Bhagavan or
> contradict anybody but there is a gnawing urge in me to let
> people know the truth behind the events happening at the
> Oneness movement – When I mention people, it includes the
> dasas as well. The whole thing has left me very disturbed
> and I want to clear it out before it’s too late, not that
> it is not late now but before I get too tired and lose
> control of it all. Iam prepared to face any condemnation for
> having been tight lipped all these years.
> In my conferences and even before, when people
> questioned me “who is god for you?” I have replied to
> them without blinking my eyes with one word – “Sri
> Bhagavan”. Probably it’s time for public to know how Mr.
> Vijay Kumar/Sri Bhagavan became God. How did an ordinary
> school authority become god in millions of hearts including
> mine? How are people coming into his mesmerism? How did
> honey pour out of the photograph? How did people become
> fanatically passionate after his form? How did he eat from
> their offerings in the name of a personal god which blindly
> motivated people into giving gold, property and Money which
> they might have not given their own children?
> As my memory goes down the time line, I remember in
> the year 1989, Mr. Vijay Kumar had visited some place in
> TamilNadu and they returned to the campus after 90 days.
> Since then, he was engaged in rituals in the midnight which
> surprised many in the ashram as Vijay Kumar had always
> condemned rituals. He often moved objects, created fire or
> even made children unconscious. Many villagers had strange
> experiences when they stepped into the campus but all this
> information was labeled as “Divine Experiences” to the
> public in the book – ‘Awakening into Oneness’. What
> was then practiced, which I came to understand later after
> learning to look at things with a critical eye, was that it
> was black magic.
> Vijay Kumar has selfishly
> exploited the idea that Enlightenment can be
> "transferred” (almost always for a big price!) via
> deeksha or his personal darshan. This creates neurotically
> hungry "Grace-chase" expectations in the minds of
> naive seekers looking to get "high" on
> euphoria and altered states of consciousness (ASCs) rather
> than become truly clear and free, free of
> egoist attachments and delusions.
> A genuine Guru or "remover of spiritual
> darkness" simply and consistently points the aspirant
> back to the intrinsic, "Indweller" Reality. The
> authentically helpful human Guru or Friend does NOT
> needlessly entice one into an external "Grace
> chase," pompous worldly schemes, "energy
> experiences," or any other worldly phenomena high or
> low (heavenly, earthly, etc.).
> However, Vijay Kumar used all sorts of
> tricks to create dependency, limited identifications,
> attachments, complications and delusions so that you feel
> like a special "somebody," somebody who is part of
> an elite group which is now especially empowered to usher in
> a Golden Age of Enlightenment for all lesser beings. It is
> just such a swindle that has been run since the early
> 1990s.
> Vijay Kumar exhibited some narcissism but always
> felt he lacked the handsome looks or charisma to attract a
> following. Shankar, on the other hand, was very articulate,
> had scientific credentials and very good looks. It was
> this same dignity and grace of Shankar that was used by
> Vijay Kumar. A credible looking man can always sell a
> sub-standard product, this is a well known fact that
> any good marketing or sales expert would vouch for. Mr.
> Shankar went to J.Krishnamurti's school at Brock wood
> Park in U.K. where he met J. Krishnamurti and he being
> impressed by Shankar's dignified looks and scientific
> education was not late to invite him to join his foundation
> and head his Rishi Valley School in Bangalore. Vijay
> Kumar was very impressed by J.Krishnamurti that
> he even named his son [Krishna] after this respected
> teacher. In the early '80s he had met UG and learnt the
> art of dealing with followers.
> As long as he practiced black magic he sported a
> long beard and asked his disciples to do so. Later when his
> efforts were strongly armoured, he changed his looks to that
> of king Aurelius in the movie Gladiator. He was now
> appealing to the westerners.
> One thing popular about Vijay Kumar is that he do
> not want you to renounce the religion you were born into,
> all he asks is gradual acquaintance with his system and once
> you fully get conditioned or indoctrinated he sucks you into
> his inner circle. After you are found to be a loyal follower
> he asks you to promote, spread and bring in new converts to
> his brand of spirituality. When you bring in many converts
> you are subtly rewarded by granting you special personal
> darshans, promotion in the hierarchy and a fast lane to
> enlightenment!
> Slowly when he introduced his photo as ‘Srimurthi
> to public he desired that public should not place him with
> others gods. Why? Nobody knew. He slowly focused on getting
> people to place only his picture at home telling them that
> they cannot concentrate and pray otherwise. The reason was
> that his photo was charged with negative energies. There are
> incidences when devotees were instructed to keep his
> photograph to south west (point of low energy) corner of the
> house. That is the exact corner suitable for black magic
> energies to operate. The participants of the courses were
> given the sadhanas of locking their eyes with his eyes in
> the photograph to receive grace – in reality a medium to
> operate his black magic power upon the devotee and hence
> countless devotees were mesmerized in various processes and
> were trapped into it. When intellectuals attacked, he
> ingeniously instructed that people must be made to focus not
> just on the eyes but the entire body.
> Whenever a physical miracle occurred in a house, we
> have observed for years that after the ‘miracle” that
> particular family went through severe crisis and heavy loss
> in terms of health, prosperity and esteem in the society.
> When such families complained about the strange happenings
> and when the dasas reported it to Vijay Kumar, they were
> constantly suppressed and distracted with theories of
> “Karma” and “Divine will”. However to set right the
> bad effects he made his dasas perform havans or homas in the
> name of vishwa shanti which was actually papa parihara. Any
> body familiar with Hindu custom would know that the coconut
> which is used for invocation of the deity in Kalashapuja
> should be immersed in a well or other water bodies. Only
> black magicians advocate that the coconuts should be broken
> and used! In fact many a times it was these coconuts that
> were used in cooking of food for various participants of the
> courses! What one gets to witness is that, the more somebody
> involved or served the movement the more suffering they got
> into over the years. Perhaps people outside are possibly
> living a much happier lives than the oneness followers who
> are waiting to be unconditionally joyous in 2012.
> The loss of lives that happened during the Oneness
> Temple inauguration as I see it -could be the repercussions
> of the black-magic performed all these years to brain wash
> people with help of photographs which he had touched during
> the personal darshans in the name of blessings and healing.
> His black magic resulted in human sacrifice. That day is
> etched in my conscience and I know that no process can set
> me free. The failure of the temple was in fact the victory
> of God, because ever since the temple inauguration- a series
> of events has let to the down fall of the Vijay Kumar
> Empire.
> Since I am not a good writer as
> Samadarshini or any of her assistance who helped her draft
> her e-mail, I prefer to write my version in points. (All my
> sessions and talks were by Samadarshini and I prepared for
> the conference using her notes all along.)
> But now I do not trust anybody to assist me in
> drafting this letter.
> My points of contemplation are –
> Bhagavan/Vijay Kumar has always had his way by
> giving public metaphysical answers – including the latest
> answer in a “Skype darshans” for Russians where he says
> that probably his family has taken humanity’s karma by
> setting right relationships that has affected his family
> like sage Ramana Maharishi was affected by cancer. Why is
> that people are always kept in “Charismatic – spiritual
> darkness”? When he is practical about collecting courses
> fees then why is his answers metaphysical?
> I have known Sri Bhagavan very closely – I see
> that the movement’s growth vastly depends on Bhagavan
> emphasizing important upon people/members who are weak
> minded and incapable of independent thinking. By giving
> position/recognition to these people he has always exercised
> his control on the structure and functioning of the Oneness
> movement. He creates a craving for position in the minds of
> the Oneness followers hence corrupting them of all moral
> values. He did this earlier with dasas by creating politics
> between the university guides and the Nemam guides and now
> he does it with the public by stating that trainers can
> initiate others as deeksha givers. What public fail to see
> is that the threads of every decision lies with the founders
> and their family and that the Achrayas (to some extent), the
> dasas and the volunteers are merely puppets. His policy has
> been “Divide and Rule”. Anyone who is deeply associated
> with oneness would be familiar with the sacred
> ‘Mahavakyas” In these statements Mr. Vijay Kumar clearly
> states that his mission will be fulfilled by the Achrayas
> and spread by the dasas and that it is a blessing to become
> a monk in his order. The seed of hierarchy was sown by
> Bhagavan himself, but today he claims that, from the
> beginning he did not want any structure/mediators/messengers
> and that he was not allowed to interact with public
> directly. Are the Mahavakyas untrue?
> I remember very clearly of the arguments that Mr.
> Vijay Kumar and his wife would often get into regarding his
> stand as “God”. Mrs. Padmini Vijay Kumar used to always
> ask him to take the stand of a Guru; otherwise it would
> affect their personal lives in the future. Since the
> competition amongst gurus was quite intense at that time in
> the spiritual market, he preferred to take a stand as a
> “living God” to public. This proves beyond doubts that
> he has no regards towards Hinduism what so ever, but his
> Hindu god image left him with public fearing to question his
> activities.
> Though Oneness Spread like rapid fire breaking the
> records set by any spiritual organization, no promise made
> by the visionaries is fulfilled. 1999 – Enlightenment did
> not happen. 2003 nothing happened, 2006 – 2007 people
> attending courses were supposed to be enlightened with
> parietal and frontal lobes of the participants calibrating
> between 25 – 30! Bhagavan promised of creating 1000
> Christ, 1000 Tirupati Balaji. Even promised of giving Balaji
> VRS with oneness temple opening. 1000 mirabhai’s but ended
> up creating bitter politics and a broken army. New people
> are lured in by promises of unending "grace", and
> then after we tell them lots of stories (most of them are
> just heard from others, no one has any evidence of them
> actually happening), then the dasas ask them to make
> donations, or go for paid darshans in order to get that
> "unending grace." Even the higher process
> (two weeks) has made no difference to anyone.
> Although it does seem to us that the program for foreigners
> (21 days, USD $5,500) has resulted in some enlightened
> people (such as Freddy Nielsen and Kiara Windrider - we have
> heard they are enlightened but that Freddy and at least
> several other prominent Westerners have left the Oneness
> movement claiming that no real enlightenment happens at
> Oneness. However in India there is not even an attempt at
> spiritual growth of devotees. It is only talk of great
> "celestial" miracles, and enlightenment is always
> round the next corner, after the next darshan (and
> donation).
> I often heard Bhagavan saying that we need people
> to do things and help our cause, and after they have served
> their purpose they can just go on with their lives. In short
> he meant he would use people and discard them when they have
> outlasted their expediency. The movement has always carried
> a strange Patten – “Use and Throw”. The strong
> coordinators are pampered and used to maximum and thrown
> away with out explanation. It has been so ever since the
> movement began. He used Mr. Shankar and threw him away, Then
> it was his 3 Achrayas Deepti (After training the first batch
> of monks), Kavitha (when she retaliated the abuse of drugs)
> Vinay (disagreed that Bhagavan was god!), later it was
> Freddy, then Raniji then Arjuna Ardagh (Samadarshini was
> instructed not pick up his phone after the book “Awakening
> into Oneness” was completed. Then one celebrity after the
> other and now his own dasas! Decent people like Loganathan,
> Captain Kumar or Dr. Shankar would probably not dare to
> discuss their doubts about or suspicions of Vijay Kumar
> publicly; there is always this fear of their own
> safety and that of their families. Vijay Kumar uses his
> thugs and hooligans to orchestrate an accident and kill off
> people who are critical of them.
> The Oneness Temple inauguration was a total
> failure. May be Bhagavan himself intended it to be so! Other
> wise I do not understand as to why Krishnaji, who has no
> experience in public relations, who reads out from paper
> while addressing people in his talk was given the
> responsibility all of a sudden with regards to organization
> of the event when his dasas and their team of people in the
> local body could have definitely done a better job with
> years of experience. It can only be concluded that his
> hidden motive behind was to retain the Oneness Temple as a
> private property than involving public and letting it become
> a communal property.
> Every seeker surely remembers Bhagavan proclaiming
> that, “the lame shall walk, the blind shall see, the
> unintelligent shall become intelligent, the ordinary shall
> become mystics who can see their personal god on the golden
> thrown and they can meet their ancestors. Their chakras
> would be activated systematically on every floor! Anybody
> who goes up to the meditation hall of the oneness temple
> will not return the same!” If the visionaries were so
> focused on the 2012 and if Oneness stands as a testimony for
> that noble vision, why are the promises made regarding the
> Oneness Temple gone with the wind?
> Even today when I remember all the contribution
> that followers from both east and west have made to this
> temple in the name of Oneness, It fills my heart with
> enormous pain as I walk across the marble structure.
> Krishnaji could afford a house worth 10 crores and import
> furniture and interiors worth another 10 crores from
> Singapore in cargos at Annanagar, Chennai. He owns more than
> 300 flats in various cities. Now with 10 acres of land in
> Mahabalipuram beech, His next project in real-estate was
> Vaikunt. Why not? By all means! He geared to invest into
> this in the name 64,000 people – community of the
> enlightenment. The land was available anywhere between 25
> lakhs to 2 crores! For this Indian volunteers had to bring
> 11 people for Vijay Kumar’s classes on twelve secrets
> (incomplete). Where is Vaikunt?
> Bhagavan recently shared in his conference that in
> 2012, the phenomenon is a natural happening and that anybody
> can use that energy, probably all this drama that he and his
> son are playing could be to make more money during the year
> 2012 by attracting western tourists into the campus.
> Bhagavan who claims to retain Hinduism, why is he
> transferring all the Indian currency to some other country
> and investing it there? Why were the western seekers who
> wanted to participate in the courses asked to draft their DD
> to the accounts in Singapore or Hong Kong when the money was
> supposed to be used for Oneness Temple construction in
> India? Krishnaji , who is a total failure ever since his
> childhood with a solid track record of series of failures
> – failed in his graduation, failed in real estate
> business, failed in setting-up kosmic music studio, failed
> in the production of 2 English movies and 2 Tamil movies –
> I have never met a man with such an iron-leg! Childhood
> poverty is written in his walking. Now he claims to take
> over the Oneness courses (As mentioned in YouTube) – God
> save us all! A man who changes his car every year, how can
> he run a separate organization steadily?
> The conflicts in the movement seems a well knit
> plan according to me because it looks like Bhagavan Himself
> summoned Krishnaji to pretend as a rescuer to Samadarshini
> who of late gathered courage to threaten
> Bhagavan of going home. May be once the contracts in the
> west expire, Krishnaji may as well abandon her and her team,
> meanwhile the public are of course aware of Bhagawan’s
> propaganda that Achrayas have left. It has successfully
> created contempt in the hearts of many devotees already in
> India. The father and the son are masters in the art of
> fooling people from the beginning!
> If Bhagavan is genuine in stating that a split has
> occurred and that Krishnaji has started a new wing, then why
> are the DD’s for the “Skype Darshans” still in the
> name of “Golden Shelters Pvt. Ltd for which Krishnaji is
> the owner? If Krishnaji has not misused the money from the
> spiritual work, then why is he often visiting so many
> foreign countries? Krishna is quite popular amongst
> Anti-social elements (association with Amanullah Khan). His
> friend Badri and his relative was recently involved in
> stealing an idol of lord Puri Jagannath which was melted and
> made into gold biscuits which Krishna and Badri (Krishna’s
> secretary) shared amongst themselves. The gold approximated
> weighed 18kgs. Is he involved in any anti-national
> activities? I hope the Indian government and the CBI probe
> into the details and may god truly give me an opportunity to
> set things right.
> By making a statement to public that there will be
> no successor after Amma and Bhagavan pass away, Sri Bhagavan
> is only trying to write all the property in his grand
> daughter’s name and fearing that he might be questioned by
> the senior guides or other dasas he is attacking them in
> public. Neither Christ nor St.fransisco of Assisi tried to
> live anonymous lives. They were identified with their vision
> for mankind till their last breath but it leaves us a bit
> suspicious and confused when Bhagavan talks about living
> anonymous lives in 2014!
> Even after experiencing so much of conflict in the
> movement the parents of these dasas refused to take back
> their children, even when Vijay Kumar has disowned them.
> Many do not mind sending their children with Krishna as long
> as luxuries of foreign countries are provided to
> them.
> ·
> On the one hand, quick results, instant
> transformations replete with spiritual experiences,
> revelations of past lives and so on are promised.
> Furthermore, there are many opportunities to participate and
> contribute to a highly organized, rapidly expanding,
> worldwide movement, a feature which would appeal to those
> who have an active and energetic temperament. It also draws
> those who are desperate to find solutions to intractable
> problems, whether personal or professional. One's deep
> need to believe in a living God and to derive security from
> his presence is also fulfilled. On the other hand, there is
> a grave danger that the movement will cause acute
> psychological distress and suffering to weaker minds, once
> their hopes and aspirations cease to be fulfilled. If it is
> true that only self-knowledge offers liberation from
> suffering - then Oneness followers will have to realize that
> with or without the living god, they will have to work on
> themselves painstakingly and patiently. ... What has to
> happen in 2012 will happen regardless of
> anything…
> I do not know how much things could change for the
> better after this mail, but as Lord Krishna said “Do your
> action without expectation” I am trying to voice out to
> provoke the public so that they question the latest moves
> made by Bhagavan. Public need not be confused about these
> shifts because as Samadarshini wrote in her mail, everything
> that is happening is pre-planned (divine plan!) by Vijay
> Kumar and his son to distract public and CBI
> enquiry.
> One last thing, it is true that I have carried
> drugs and supplied to the campus. I did it for my own
> survival and feared being drugged if I did not yield. What
> ever I have done so far to my fellow dasas, members or to
> the public was only for my survival and to protect my image
> as there was no option of looking back. I feel sucked into
> this whirlpool.
> By the time this mail reaches you – all the money
> would have been transferred. The properties in various
> cities would be instructed by the local dasas to be sold.
> The 25 dasas in the illusion of creating a new organization
> would have packed off to Italy (land of Christianity)
> trusting Krishnaji – The iron legged man, only to be
> abandoned later! These disciples, desperately longing for
> enlightenment or, to put it differently, wanting ultimate
> power or understanding of life, or desperately seeking
> answers to their burning questions, have given their hard
> earned money and labour to this "Master." It would
> be sad if they live this lie and do not discover the real
> Vijay Kumar Naidu behind the ‘Bhagavan’ mask. If they
> dare to question, doubt and seek real truth they would be
> freed from living a lie.
> In the name of bringing Golden Age to India and
> in creating a New India, Sri Bhagavan has destroyed the
> Hindu Dharma and brought shame to this sacred land.
> Humble prostrations at the lotus feet of Lord
> Tirumala.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
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You mention Samadarshini's mail, as it is mentioned on many websites. Where can I find this? Do you have it?