Tuesday, December 29, 2009

o all those who are concerned with the Oneness
> movement,
> I, Giri Alias Anandagiri, given the position of an
> Acharya, have taught the public many things, but I have
> failed in teaching people to think independently and read in
> between lines and understand the behind -scene activities of
> the ‘Oneness Cult”.
> I am inspired by Samadarshini’s bold step of
> writing personal mail to people and feel the need to write
> my version of the current events at the Oneness movement to
> support the truth.
> Through this e-mail I am attempting to cover the
> points which Samadarshini might have not covered so that no
> matter Sri Bhagavan or Krishnaji posts fake ‘important
> messages’ on their web-site (onenessindia.org) or
> other sites with Samadarshini/any of our names on it, people
> will have the opportunity to take a stand based on
> truth.
> My intention is not to attack Sri Bhagavan or
> contradict anybody but there is a gnawing urge in me to let
> people know the truth behind the events happening at the
> Oneness movement – When I mention people, it includes the
> dasas as well. The whole thing has left me very disturbed
> and I want to clear it out before it’s too late, not that
> it is not late now but before I get too tired and lose
> control of it all. Iam prepared to face any condemnation for
> having been tight lipped all these years.
> In my conferences and even before, when people
> questioned me “who is god for you?” I have replied to
> them without blinking my eyes with one word – “Sri
> Bhagavan”. Probably it’s time for public to know how Mr.
> Vijay Kumar/Sri Bhagavan became God. How did an ordinary
> school authority become god in millions of hearts including
> mine? How are people coming into his mesmerism? How did
> honey pour out of the photograph? How did people become
> fanatically passionate after his form? How did he eat from
> their offerings in the name of a personal god which blindly
> motivated people into giving gold, property and Money which
> they might have not given their own children?
> As my memory goes down the time line, I remember in
> the year 1989, Mr. Vijay Kumar had visited some place in
> TamilNadu and they returned to the campus after 90 days.
> Since then, he was engaged in rituals in the midnight which
> surprised many in the ashram as Vijay Kumar had always
> condemned rituals. He often moved objects, created fire or
> even made children unconscious. Many villagers had strange
> experiences when they stepped into the campus but all this
> information was labeled as “Divine Experiences” to the
> public in the book – ‘Awakening into Oneness’. What
> was then practiced, which I came to understand later after
> learning to look at things with a critical eye, was that it
> was black magic.
> Vijay Kumar has selfishly
> exploited the idea that Enlightenment can be
> "transferred” (almost always for a big price!) via
> deeksha or his personal darshan. This creates neurotically
> hungry "Grace-chase" expectations in the minds of
> naive seekers looking to get "high" on
> euphoria and altered states of consciousness (ASCs) rather
> than become truly clear and free, free of
> egoist attachments and delusions.
> A genuine Guru or "remover of spiritual
> darkness" simply and consistently points the aspirant
> back to the intrinsic, "Indweller" Reality. The
> authentically helpful human Guru or Friend does NOT
> needlessly entice one into an external "Grace
> chase," pompous worldly schemes, "energy
> experiences," or any other worldly phenomena high or
> low (heavenly, earthly, etc.).
> However, Vijay Kumar used all sorts of
> tricks to create dependency, limited identifications,
> attachments, complications and delusions so that you feel
> like a special "somebody," somebody who is part of
> an elite group which is now especially empowered to usher in
> a Golden Age of Enlightenment for all lesser beings. It is
> just such a swindle that has been run since the early
> 1990s.
> Vijay Kumar exhibited some narcissism but always
> felt he lacked the handsome looks or charisma to attract a
> following. Shankar, on the other hand, was very articulate,
> had scientific credentials and very good looks. It was
> this same dignity and grace of Shankar that was used by
> Vijay Kumar. A credible looking man can always sell a
> sub-standard product, this is a well known fact that
> any good marketing or sales expert would vouch for. Mr.
> Shankar went to J.Krishnamurti's school at Brock wood
> Park in U.K. where he met J. Krishnamurti and he being
> impressed by Shankar's dignified looks and scientific
> education was not late to invite him to join his foundation
> and head his Rishi Valley School in Bangalore. Vijay
> Kumar was very impressed by J.Krishnamurti that
> he even named his son [Krishna] after this respected
> teacher. In the early '80s he had met UG and learnt the
> art of dealing with followers.
> As long as he practiced black magic he sported a
> long beard and asked his disciples to do so. Later when his
> efforts were strongly armoured, he changed his looks to that
> of king Aurelius in the movie Gladiator. He was now
> appealing to the westerners.
> One thing popular about Vijay Kumar is that he do
> not want you to renounce the religion you were born into,
> all he asks is gradual acquaintance with his system and once
> you fully get conditioned or indoctrinated he sucks you into
> his inner circle. After you are found to be a loyal follower
> he asks you to promote, spread and bring in new converts to
> his brand of spirituality. When you bring in many converts
> you are subtly rewarded by granting you special personal
> darshans, promotion in the hierarchy and a fast lane to
> enlightenment!
> Slowly when he introduced his photo as ‘Srimurthi
> to public he desired that public should not place him with
> others gods. Why? Nobody knew. He slowly focused on getting
> people to place only his picture at home telling them that
> they cannot concentrate and pray otherwise. The reason was
> that his photo was charged with negative energies. There are
> incidences when devotees were instructed to keep his
> photograph to south west (point of low energy) corner of the
> house. That is the exact corner suitable for black magic
> energies to operate. The participants of the courses were
> given the sadhanas of locking their eyes with his eyes in
> the photograph to receive grace – in reality a medium to
> operate his black magic power upon the devotee and hence
> countless devotees were mesmerized in various processes and
> were trapped into it. When intellectuals attacked, he
> ingeniously instructed that people must be made to focus not
> just on the eyes but the entire body.
> Whenever a physical miracle occurred in a house, we
> have observed for years that after the ‘miracle” that
> particular family went through severe crisis and heavy loss
> in terms of health, prosperity and esteem in the society.
> When such families complained about the strange happenings
> and when the dasas reported it to Vijay Kumar, they were
> constantly suppressed and distracted with theories of
> “Karma” and “Divine will”. However to set right the
> bad effects he made his dasas perform havans or homas in the
> name of vishwa shanti which was actually papa parihara. Any
> body familiar with Hindu custom would know that the coconut
> which is used for invocation of the deity in Kalashapuja
> should be immersed in a well or other water bodies. Only
> black magicians advocate that the coconuts should be broken
> and used! In fact many a times it was these coconuts that
> were used in cooking of food for various participants of the
> courses! What one gets to witness is that, the more somebody
> involved or served the movement the more suffering they got
> into over the years. Perhaps people outside are possibly
> living a much happier lives than the oneness followers who
> are waiting to be unconditionally joyous in 2012.
> The loss of lives that happened during the Oneness
> Temple inauguration as I see it -could be the repercussions
> of the black-magic performed all these years to brain wash
> people with help of photographs which he had touched during
> the personal darshans in the name of blessings and healing.
> His black magic resulted in human sacrifice. That day is
> etched in my conscience and I know that no process can set
> me free. The failure of the temple was in fact the victory
> of God, because ever since the temple inauguration- a series
> of events has let to the down fall of the Vijay Kumar
> Empire.
> Since I am not a good writer as
> Samadarshini or any of her assistance who helped her draft
> her e-mail, I prefer to write my version in points. (All my
> sessions and talks were by Samadarshini and I prepared for
> the conference using her notes all along.)
> But now I do not trust anybody to assist me in
> drafting this letter.
> My points of contemplation are –
> Bhagavan/Vijay Kumar has always had his way by
> giving public metaphysical answers – including the latest
> answer in a “Skype darshans” for Russians where he says
> that probably his family has taken humanity’s karma by
> setting right relationships that has affected his family
> like sage Ramana Maharishi was affected by cancer. Why is
> that people are always kept in “Charismatic – spiritual
> darkness”? When he is practical about collecting courses
> fees then why is his answers metaphysical?
> I have known Sri Bhagavan very closely – I see
> that the movement’s growth vastly depends on Bhagavan
> emphasizing important upon people/members who are weak
> minded and incapable of independent thinking. By giving
> position/recognition to these people he has always exercised
> his control on the structure and functioning of the Oneness
> movement. He creates a craving for position in the minds of
> the Oneness followers hence corrupting them of all moral
> values. He did this earlier with dasas by creating politics
> between the university guides and the Nemam guides and now
> he does it with the public by stating that trainers can
> initiate others as deeksha givers. What public fail to see
> is that the threads of every decision lies with the founders
> and their family and that the Achrayas (to some extent), the
> dasas and the volunteers are merely puppets. His policy has
> been “Divide and Rule”. Anyone who is deeply associated
> with oneness would be familiar with the sacred
> ‘Mahavakyas” In these statements Mr. Vijay Kumar clearly
> states that his mission will be fulfilled by the Achrayas
> and spread by the dasas and that it is a blessing to become
> a monk in his order. The seed of hierarchy was sown by
> Bhagavan himself, but today he claims that, from the
> beginning he did not want any structure/mediators/messengers
> and that he was not allowed to interact with public
> directly. Are the Mahavakyas untrue?
> I remember very clearly of the arguments that Mr.
> Vijay Kumar and his wife would often get into regarding his
> stand as “God”. Mrs. Padmini Vijay Kumar used to always
> ask him to take the stand of a Guru; otherwise it would
> affect their personal lives in the future. Since the
> competition amongst gurus was quite intense at that time in
> the spiritual market, he preferred to take a stand as a
> “living God” to public. This proves beyond doubts that
> he has no regards towards Hinduism what so ever, but his
> Hindu god image left him with public fearing to question his
> activities.
> Though Oneness Spread like rapid fire breaking the
> records set by any spiritual organization, no promise made
> by the visionaries is fulfilled. 1999 – Enlightenment did
> not happen. 2003 nothing happened, 2006 – 2007 people
> attending courses were supposed to be enlightened with
> parietal and frontal lobes of the participants calibrating
> between 25 – 30! Bhagavan promised of creating 1000
> Christ, 1000 Tirupati Balaji. Even promised of giving Balaji
> VRS with oneness temple opening. 1000 mirabhai’s but ended
> up creating bitter politics and a broken army. New people
> are lured in by promises of unending "grace", and
> then after we tell them lots of stories (most of them are
> just heard from others, no one has any evidence of them
> actually happening), then the dasas ask them to make
> donations, or go for paid darshans in order to get that
> "unending grace." Even the higher process
> (two weeks) has made no difference to anyone.
> Although it does seem to us that the program for foreigners
> (21 days, USD $5,500) has resulted in some enlightened
> people (such as Freddy Nielsen and Kiara Windrider - we have
> heard they are enlightened but that Freddy and at least
> several other prominent Westerners have left the Oneness
> movement claiming that no real enlightenment happens at
> Oneness. However in India there is not even an attempt at
> spiritual growth of devotees. It is only talk of great
> "celestial" miracles, and enlightenment is always
> round the next corner, after the next darshan (and
> donation).
> I often heard Bhagavan saying that we need people
> to do things and help our cause, and after they have served
> their purpose they can just go on with their lives. In short
> he meant he would use people and discard them when they have
> outlasted their expediency. The movement has always carried
> a strange Patten – “Use and Throw”. The strong
> coordinators are pampered and used to maximum and thrown
> away with out explanation. It has been so ever since the
> movement began. He used Mr. Shankar and threw him away, Then
> it was his 3 Achrayas Deepti (After training the first batch
> of monks), Kavitha (when she retaliated the abuse of drugs)
> Vinay (disagreed that Bhagavan was god!), later it was
> Freddy, then Raniji then Arjuna Ardagh (Samadarshini was
> instructed not pick up his phone after the book “Awakening
> into Oneness” was completed. Then one celebrity after the
> other and now his own dasas! Decent people like Loganathan,
> Captain Kumar or Dr. Shankar would probably not dare to
> discuss their doubts about or suspicions of Vijay Kumar
> publicly; there is always this fear of their own
> safety and that of their families. Vijay Kumar uses his
> thugs and hooligans to orchestrate an accident and kill off
> people who are critical of them.
> The Oneness Temple inauguration was a total
> failure. May be Bhagavan himself intended it to be so! Other
> wise I do not understand as to why Krishnaji, who has no
> experience in public relations, who reads out from paper
> while addressing people in his talk was given the
> responsibility all of a sudden with regards to organization
> of the event when his dasas and their team of people in the
> local body could have definitely done a better job with
> years of experience. It can only be concluded that his
> hidden motive behind was to retain the Oneness Temple as a
> private property than involving public and letting it become
> a communal property.
> Every seeker surely remembers Bhagavan proclaiming
> that, “the lame shall walk, the blind shall see, the
> unintelligent shall become intelligent, the ordinary shall
> become mystics who can see their personal god on the golden
> thrown and they can meet their ancestors. Their chakras
> would be activated systematically on every floor! Anybody
> who goes up to the meditation hall of the oneness temple
> will not return the same!” If the visionaries were so
> focused on the 2012 and if Oneness stands as a testimony for
> that noble vision, why are the promises made regarding the
> Oneness Temple gone with the wind?
> Even today when I remember all the contribution
> that followers from both east and west have made to this
> temple in the name of Oneness, It fills my heart with
> enormous pain as I walk across the marble structure.
> Krishnaji could afford a house worth 10 crores and import
> furniture and interiors worth another 10 crores from
> Singapore in cargos at Annanagar, Chennai. He owns more than
> 300 flats in various cities. Now with 10 acres of land in
> Mahabalipuram beech, His next project in real-estate was
> Vaikunt. Why not? By all means! He geared to invest into
> this in the name 64,000 people – community of the
> enlightenment. The land was available anywhere between 25
> lakhs to 2 crores! For this Indian volunteers had to bring
> 11 people for Vijay Kumar’s classes on twelve secrets
> (incomplete). Where is Vaikunt?
> Bhagavan recently shared in his conference that in
> 2012, the phenomenon is a natural happening and that anybody
> can use that energy, probably all this drama that he and his
> son are playing could be to make more money during the year
> 2012 by attracting western tourists into the campus.
> Bhagavan who claims to retain Hinduism, why is he
> transferring all the Indian currency to some other country
> and investing it there? Why were the western seekers who
> wanted to participate in the courses asked to draft their DD
> to the accounts in Singapore or Hong Kong when the money was
> supposed to be used for Oneness Temple construction in
> India? Krishnaji , who is a total failure ever since his
> childhood with a solid track record of series of failures
> – failed in his graduation, failed in real estate
> business, failed in setting-up kosmic music studio, failed
> in the production of 2 English movies and 2 Tamil movies –
> I have never met a man with such an iron-leg! Childhood
> poverty is written in his walking. Now he claims to take
> over the Oneness courses (As mentioned in YouTube) – God
> save us all! A man who changes his car every year, how can
> he run a separate organization steadily?
> The conflicts in the movement seems a well knit
> plan according to me because it looks like Bhagavan Himself
> summoned Krishnaji to pretend as a rescuer to Samadarshini
> who of late gathered courage to threaten
> Bhagavan of going home. May be once the contracts in the
> west expire, Krishnaji may as well abandon her and her team,
> meanwhile the public are of course aware of Bhagawan’s
> propaganda that Achrayas have left. It has successfully
> created contempt in the hearts of many devotees already in
> India. The father and the son are masters in the art of
> fooling people from the beginning!
> If Bhagavan is genuine in stating that a split has
> occurred and that Krishnaji has started a new wing, then why
> are the DD’s for the “Skype Darshans” still in the
> name of “Golden Shelters Pvt. Ltd for which Krishnaji is
> the owner? If Krishnaji has not misused the money from the
> spiritual work, then why is he often visiting so many
> foreign countries? Krishna is quite popular amongst
> Anti-social elements (association with Amanullah Khan). His
> friend Badri and his relative was recently involved in
> stealing an idol of lord Puri Jagannath which was melted and
> made into gold biscuits which Krishna and Badri (Krishna’s
> secretary) shared amongst themselves. The gold approximated
> weighed 18kgs. Is he involved in any anti-national
> activities? I hope the Indian government and the CBI probe
> into the details and may god truly give me an opportunity to
> set things right.
> By making a statement to public that there will be
> no successor after Amma and Bhagavan pass away, Sri Bhagavan
> is only trying to write all the property in his grand
> daughter’s name and fearing that he might be questioned by
> the senior guides or other dasas he is attacking them in
> public. Neither Christ nor St.fransisco of Assisi tried to
> live anonymous lives. They were identified with their vision
> for mankind till their last breath but it leaves us a bit
> suspicious and confused when Bhagavan talks about living
> anonymous lives in 2014!
> Even after experiencing so much of conflict in the
> movement the parents of these dasas refused to take back
> their children, even when Vijay Kumar has disowned them.
> Many do not mind sending their children with Krishna as long
> as luxuries of foreign countries are provided to
> them.
> ·
> On the one hand, quick results, instant
> transformations replete with spiritual experiences,
> revelations of past lives and so on are promised.
> Furthermore, there are many opportunities to participate and
> contribute to a highly organized, rapidly expanding,
> worldwide movement, a feature which would appeal to those
> who have an active and energetic temperament. It also draws
> those who are desperate to find solutions to intractable
> problems, whether personal or professional. One's deep
> need to believe in a living God and to derive security from
> his presence is also fulfilled. On the other hand, there is
> a grave danger that the movement will cause acute
> psychological distress and suffering to weaker minds, once
> their hopes and aspirations cease to be fulfilled. If it is
> true that only self-knowledge offers liberation from
> suffering - then Oneness followers will have to realize that
> with or without the living god, they will have to work on
> themselves painstakingly and patiently. ... What has to
> happen in 2012 will happen regardless of
> anything…
> I do not know how much things could change for the
> better after this mail, but as Lord Krishna said “Do your
> action without expectation” I am trying to voice out to
> provoke the public so that they question the latest moves
> made by Bhagavan. Public need not be confused about these
> shifts because as Samadarshini wrote in her mail, everything
> that is happening is pre-planned (divine plan!) by Vijay
> Kumar and his son to distract public and CBI
> enquiry.
> One last thing, it is true that I have carried
> drugs and supplied to the campus. I did it for my own
> survival and feared being drugged if I did not yield. What
> ever I have done so far to my fellow dasas, members or to
> the public was only for my survival and to protect my image
> as there was no option of looking back. I feel sucked into
> this whirlpool.
> By the time this mail reaches you – all the money
> would have been transferred. The properties in various
> cities would be instructed by the local dasas to be sold.
> The 25 dasas in the illusion of creating a new organization
> would have packed off to Italy (land of Christianity)
> trusting Krishnaji – The iron legged man, only to be
> abandoned later! These disciples, desperately longing for
> enlightenment or, to put it differently, wanting ultimate
> power or understanding of life, or desperately seeking
> answers to their burning questions, have given their hard
> earned money and labour to this "Master." It would
> be sad if they live this lie and do not discover the real
> Vijay Kumar Naidu behind the ‘Bhagavan’ mask. If they
> dare to question, doubt and seek real truth they would be
> freed from living a lie.
> In the name of bringing Golden Age to India and
> in creating a New India, Sri Bhagavan has destroyed the
> Hindu Dharma and brought shame to this sacred land.
> Humble prostrations at the lotus feet of Lord
> Tirumala.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Amma Bhagavan Grace


Indians love stories. It was this tool that Mr.Vijay Kumar alias Kalki/Bhagavan born on March 7,1949 at Natham , North Arcot District of Tamil Nadu, India and his wife Mrs.Pamini Vijay Kumar alias Padmavati Devi/Amma born on August 15 ,1954 in Sangam, Nellore District of Andhra Pradesh, India used in luring millions of followers into the fold of the famous ‘Oneness Movement’.

The story goes way back when Vijay Kumar worked at the ashram of Jiddu Krishna Murthi. Having a clerical job there, he had every access to the ashram’s administration and its where-about. No sooner the ashram’s authorities discovered his hidden agenda than he had made away with the land Mr.Khoday wanted to offer the ashram. Vijay Kumar was quiet successful in setting up a village residential school and named it Jeevashram and became the director of the school. Children who came from poor families of the near by villages were very vulnerable to any form of brainwash. It was hard to trace the master plan behind the opening of the village school. As a daily routine, the students were made to interact with the director.

Coming from a J.Krishna Murthi’s philosophical background he drilled the virus of &nbsp ; baseless passion for enlightenment into their young minds by showing them movies like “Oh! God!” and stories of St. Francisco of Assisi and others to rave their psyche with an obsession to transform mankind. He convinced the children to believe that they are his messengers and that he is the savior of the mankind. As a result the children refused to go home with their parents. For children from houses where wife- beating and alcohol was a daily affair, the recognition and illusionary affection showered by this director of the school and his wife was a luxury. Soon the children were found watching more movies, reading spiritual books and even imitating few sages and seers of the past. They had reached a point of no return and the vision was lucrative and worth dying for. Soon the young children began to speak in tongues, giving blessings and even conducting spiritual lessons for the school authorities and many illiterate parents. Their young minds got accustomed to this spiritual high. Hence one story led to another until millions were captured in the web of stories by yet another cult. The school had fulfilled its true purpose.

Even before the parents could realize, Vijay Kumar and his wife had conquered the children psychologically. With the help of his child hood friend Mr. Shankar, the scientific brain behind the movement Vijay Kumar successfully initiated 6 students-Jyoti,Kavitha, Deepti,Giri,Vinay and vimal(?) into monkhood. As fate would have it these children did not realize the trap they had set up for themselves. Slowly he set up a stage to entertain public with his spiritual drama and stolen philosophy from J.Krishnamurthi, Buddism and modern psychology. soon he became an Enigma to the society. People could neither understand nor digest how a mere LIC agent from a poor low- class family rise up to the status of a spiritual guru preaching the importance of relationship when they had witnessed fights and verbal abuse that often prevailed between Vijay Kumar and his nasty tongued wife who was from a lineage of psychotics-it’s a known fact amongst villagers that both her brothers were mentally- ill! Indian Villagers have always been good audience. They watched day after day families driving to the school campus to find solution for their problem. Soon families became small groups then large until huge crowd began thronging to these spiritual courses lasting for a couple of days. Every conceivable atrocities in the name of repentance and flowering of the heart happened in these courses and hopeless women- wives of drunken husbands became the back bone of the movement and soon took charge in spreading the news of the new found living god “kalki”. A woman’s mouth is faster than the forest- fire; the ‘Kalki’ movement became a public affair. These women were determined to drag any tom-dick-harry into the Kalki fold because they believed that they had a mission to follow and in the doing so they were taught to think that they were wiping the bad karma of these scapegoats falling prey to their cock and bull stories defining the glory of their living god.

A psychic child at the age of 7 had kept a knife under his pillow to kill God for having taken away his grandmother and after 40yrs turned out to be the 10th avatar of Vishnu – The kalki of Hindu scriptures. (refer Chennai parabramha Brahma yagna souvenir) . As soon as Vijay Kumar realized that he had fallen in the soup of media attacks he intelligently asked his disciples now titled ‘Acharyas” to stop using the name Kalki in the so called moolamantra which he ordained for himself to strengthen his godly image. The sacred mantra became a universal tool for Vijay Kumar to loot people because the nature of any mantra in to bestow divine grace upon the seeker. The mantra never said Vijay Kumar Namaha – it addressed the supreme consciousness and that higher consciousness channelized its divine energies into the lives of anybody who sought grace for material and spiritual growth. In Srilanka there is a temple where people worship Ravana and obtained boons. The tribes worshiped stones and received grace. It does not mean that Ravana or the stone is god. They are only a medium. But Vijay Kumar enjoyed all the credit of miracles and conveniently managed to promote himself in the Hindu spiritual market. His movement expanded across the length and breath of India. He had successfully brained washed the targeted egalitarian percentage of Indian community who blindly replaced their gods with his photo graphs.

Every problem faced by the common man was made into an opportunity to earn money. Vijay Kumar and his wife used the Achrayas and other full time volunteers, also called as dasas who were mostly young men and women who gave up their personal lives, careers and parents to serve humanity. They lived a monastic life initially and public have witnessed their austerity, they shouldered the mammoth task of spreading the movement in a systematic way with their commitment and ‘never say die’ attitude. The Kalki movement exploded in every nook and corner of the Indian village. Indian teenagers seeking a direction and a new meaning for life were trapped by the charismatic pseudo scientific approach offered by the movement. They soon became the untitled BDMs of oneness movement who marketed Vijay Kumar in the corporate kingdom with the young dasas as their ideal. Every passing day these Achrayas and monks lived with a hope of enlightenment for themselves and through them, enlightenment for mankind. In the name of spiritual evolution they cocooned themselves in the campus set up by Vijay Kumar far away from the cities, cut off from media or any communication with the out side world with a belief that they were living with god. Anything offered to them be it a teaching, physical torture or a verbal abuse they accepted it as a divine benediction. In reality they were trained ruthlessly like war soldiers! But the greed of the founders slowly laid its icy hands on their young shoulders with pressure of bring more and more money from the public that these youngsters lost the very purpose of their life of serving humanity instead they became the dignified slaves for Vijay Kumar and his family and began to think and act the way they wanted and lost their freedom of expression. Greed became pressure, pressure created competition-DIVIDE AND RULE was the policy adopted by the founders. As a result health of these volunteers deteriorated even with out their notice. Time passed and the brutal torture in the garb of motivation or spiritual sadhanas became a way of life and each volunteer found his/her own way of adopting to this pressure conditioned to the fear that otherwise they would lose the golden opportunity of being channels for making the mankind enlightened .Amma’s vulgarity on commenting on the devotee’s physique who came for her darshans and foul language-paired with violence was covered by Vijay Kumar that she is in Kali devi roopa…..in reality it was not Kali roopa but kaaaali dabba! The dasas were confused and hopeless and so were the public. Though a hypothetical trust called ‘Kalki rural trust’ was setup over a period of time Vijay Kumar along with his son Krishna and daughter in law, cunningly organized his spiritual company. All the funds were funneled to Golden Shelter Pvt. Ltd which is in Krishna’s name and funds from Prajit Foundation is in Smt. Preetha Krishna’s name who recently bought a diamond ring worth 70lakhs from Coimbatore, TamilNadu, nothing wrong in owning one but it is the public money collected in the name of noble cause! Every single pie from a daily wage laborer, a widow, an MLA or from the spiritual work went into these accounts. Since the movement had spread rigoursly, money pored into their bowls. The movement changed its name, its form and even its vision to manipulate the money in-flow into the great Oneness- Money minting company.Not a single person was spared who visited the ashram at Nemam - Chennai or the Oneness University at Andhra Pradesh. Ever since they announced of offering enlightenment in the year 1999 the financial graph of the movement shot up in unbelievable proportions because the selling concept was a ‘benevolent god’ packed with the Hindu theory of god as a Bhakta paradeena. This gave the lisense for all misinterpretations of the sacred scriptures. Concepts like transformation, causeless love and enlightenment sold out as hot cakes in the course and Vijay Kumar laughed his way to riches and public fame at the cost of middle class families who even sold their properties and parted away with their hard earned money in the idea of supporting the noble cause.

'Brainwashing - The Science of Thought Control' by Kathleen Taylor, might give some insights into the mechanics of a brainwashed mind. In the first chapter there is an excellent outline of the main features of control following a model outlined by Robert Lifton, who identifies eight psychological themes characteristic of thought reform that, even though describing the processes undertaken by totalitarian governments, work quite well in describing the mentality of oneness followers (or indeed any type of cult member). Here follows the eight themes along with a brief description:

  1. Milieu control - Control of an individual's communication with the external world, hence his or her perceptions of reality. Attempting to dominate not only the communications with the outside world (all that he sees, hears, reads, writes, experiences, expresses) but also - in it's penetration of his inner life - over what we may speak of as his communication with himself.
  2. Mystical manipulation - Evocation of certain patterns of behaviour and emotion in such a way that they appear to be spontaneous. Often refers to higher purposes and supernatural authorities such as fate, the hand of history, or God, or being chosen, or to the divine or semi-divine status of the controlling organization as representative of a supreme authority.
  3. The demand for purity - The belief that elements outside the chosen group should be eliminated to prevent them contaminating the minds of group members. Follows from the binary oppositions inherent in totalist thought: Party/Non-party; Communist/imperialist; person/non-person; good/evil. Just as in George Orwell's Animal Farm the slogan of 'four legs good, two legs bad' becomes the animals' guiding 'essential principle', so in other ideologies the stereotypical dualism of good and evil leads to the poisonous (and unrealistic) demand that elements outside the chosen realm should be eliminated lest they contaminate the saved.
  4. The cult of confession - The use of and insistence of confession to minimize individual privacy. Rejects privacy in favour of glorifying confession as an end in itself, used to exploit and control rather than to console.
  5. Sacred science - Viewing the ideology's basic dogmas as both morally unchallengeable and scientifically exact, thus increasing their apparent authority. Like mystical manipulation this involves a moral/spiritual mystique that is applied to the ideology's basic tenets; the very act of challenging them can render the challenger as a 'non-person'. Scientific exactness provides the conclusion of 'an ultimate moral vision becoming and ultimate science'.
  6. Loading the language - Compressing complex ideas into brief, definitive-sounding phrases, 'thought-terminating clichés'. A mind-numbing process by which 'the most far-reaching and complex of human problems are compressed into brief, highly reductive, definitive phrases, easily memorized and easily expressed', whose aim is to shut down independent thinking. The 'thought-terminating clichés' imply group unity and the Party's control over language and, ultimately, thought.
  7. The primacy of doctrine over person - The idea that a dogma is more true and more real than anything experienced by an individual human being. A noted characteristic of totalitarian regimes.
  8. The dispensing of existence - The right to control the quality of life and eventual fate of both group members and non-members, and granted to the Party, it believes, to determine the fates not only of its adherents but also of the people beyond its sphere. This right follows from the Party's belief that there is only one path to truth ... that it alone knows that path, and that false paths must be eliminated.

In any case, here's the breakdown of how Oneness followers and/or the organization fits very well into the criteria of Lifton's brainwashing model:

Milieu Control - Oneness followers are constantly urged to be a perfect conduit for Vijaya Kumar teachings, the stress on which invariably lies in acting in accordance with Vijaya Kumar wishes on just about every mundane subject. How one walks, talks, eats, sleeps, sits, dress themselves and much more are all to be done in line with "Vijaya Kumar's teachings". Devotees are also urged to indulge in constant self-enquiry, to watch the flow of their thoughts at all times, and even to engage in ceaseless meditation on his form and repetition of his name! Watching television and films is out of the question, reading newspapers is discouraged and Internet use is shunned In the name of vara deeksha malas and form of vrathas.

Mystical Manipulation - It is open knowledge that devotees view every ocurrence - every tiny and mundane event - as being carried out through "Vijaya Kumar's will". Although the beliefs in karma and such are part of the wider Hindu tradition, the vast difference lies in the premise that Vijay Kumar himself is the adjudicator of cosmic fortune and that everything lies in his hands. On the flipside, the Organisation's programs and activities are also viewed as being in line with Vijaya Kumar’s wishes and so it follows that everything that is done by the Organisation has the Vijaya Kumar’s direct approval.

Demand for Purity - This is closely connected to milieu control in that whereas lip-service is given to deepning and improving relationships with friends and family, a strong undercurrent of impersonalism lies within Vijay Kumar's teachings that proclaims the virtues of vairagya (detachment) and maya (illusion). These twin concepts serve to illustrate the importance of reducing attachments to friends and family and go as far to treat them as illusory! There are also hidden traces of apocalyptic thinking that is intimately connected with Vijay Kumar's plans for global dominion and international acknowledgement of him as God incarnate; the Biblical allegory of the separation of the wheat from the chaff is frequently used by devotees to explain the defection of former members. Devotees are also urged by leaders and their compatriots not to read the critical writings of former members - comparing it to feces on the ground - in a desperate effort to protect their "flock" from being led "astray".

The Cult of Confession - Since devotees are encouraged to behave in an admirable manner (according to the Vijaya Kumar teachings) in all the different aspects of their daily lives, they must similarly watch for any lapses of behaviour and be fully conscious of the same. An example of this is the famous “To see is to be free” teaching. Constant contemplation along these lines contributes to an overwhelming sense of anxiety and paranoia, not to mention that any lapses must be dealt with as soon as they occur by 'confessing' the lapse through contrite repentance, prayer and other means.

Sacred Science - Put simply, Vijay Kumar confirms the existence of alien life forms and UFOs as well as many other queer beliefs in angels, demons, ghosts, spirits and all sorts of mythical disembodied entities which he often marketed in his havens’ or ancestral prayers. His views on cosmology also leave a lot to be desired; asserting that the sun is full of holes and the small matter of his being the lord of all creation, having created it all in the first place! Careless comments on issues belonging to the realm of physics and chemistry also tend to do him no favours. However, his devotees closely follow his ideas on these lines and doggedly defend his astrological and unscientific pronouncements to the death. It also goes without saying that those who attempt to critically analyse the Vijaya Kumar views on various scientific issues are treated with contempt and disdain even when reference is made to unarguable scientific resources of information. Working on the logic of Vijay Kumar's being a divinity of sorts, his pronouncements on this or that scientific issue become infallible and stand true for all time.

Loading The Language - Vijay Kumar is very fond of compressing his ideas into memorable phrases, a few cases in point being 'Suffer and Forgive', Those who give shall receive', 'Man cannot make it on his own, it has to be given’ and so on and on. Whereas the first two examples bespeak of an altruistic nature, the third represents an incongruity with the Vedanta philosophy Vijay Kumar claims to uphold. Combined with the unshakeable conviction in the Vijaya Kumar divinity and it's connective implication that his proclamations are the 'final word' in philosophical matters, this effectively shuts down the critical and independent thinking of devotees who would balk at the thought that their leader's "infallible" declarations merit considerable opposition. Indeed it can be seen how the majority of online devotional activity among devotees consist of extremely little spiritual discussion, which in turn contributes to a false impression that the majority of devotees are wholly conversant with the full body of Vijay Kumar's teachings and therefore no need for in-depth theological discussions arise, or the fact that they are almost wholly ignorant of the Vedanta basis (or lack thereof) of their leader’s teachings.

Primacy of Doctrine over Person: Whether they admit it or not, Oneness followers are all convinced that Enlightenment is the only permanent solution for all human suffering. Every other endeavor other than seeking enlightenment is labled as an escape . Not only is this an extremely dangerous and cultish point of view, but just think what repercussions could be effected by a sycophant who takes Vijay Kumar a little too seriously than expected! It is virtually impossible to even contemplate the disastrous ramifications of such a disturbing doctrine. At the other end of the spectrum, devotees are frequently urged to "see" Vijay Kumar in person to fasten the process of enlightenment. Thus we have a constructed reality that contains mutually contradictory polarisations that all serve to create a serious confusion in the sincere mind of a devotee; on one hand the followers are forced to attend one program after the other and on the other hand they are taught that transformation is a natural neuro-biological process bestowed by deeksha.

Dispensing of Existence - As with milieu control, mystical manipulation and the desire for purity, Vijay Kumar and his organisation seek to control the quality of life for it's members - the dasas. As well as telling them how to sleep, eat, pray and so on, dasas and devotees are expected to adhere strictly to the dharma Code of Conduct.

Devotees are faced with statements from their “ Sri Bhagavan” affirming that the world population will eventually become his devotees, and on the other hand the has made statements effectively agreeing with the Biblical separation of wheat and chaff. In any case - the sole advantage being the Vijaya Kumar alleged divinity - this in itself is the single and convincing factor that all other paths are wrong and that following them leads to doom, despite the existence of an "all-inclusive" message in his teachings which is nothing but hypocritical and contradictory when you think about it. It is seen as an irony for Vijay Kumar to have formed an exclusive path while riding on the back of a mutually-inclusive doctrine; whereas world religions and their precepts are granted token respect, people really look to Vijay Kumar and his message as the essence of all religions. The proper following of those other paths, then, is largely seen as redundant given that the "goal of all religions" is personally present to correct any alleged misconceptions that may arise.

Looks like Robert Lifton was onto a good thing; not only did he complete the remarkable achievement of providing a structural and systematic framework to show how brainwashing occurs but he also provided many insights into the workings of the human mind. It is sufficient to say that the mind-numbing irony of this article is to show how Vijay Kumar and his organisation are subject to the same scrutiny, subjectivity and general suspicion as every other sect.

Coming back to the genesis of Oneness - the now politically well-knit Vijay Kumar became the undefeatable emperor of spirituality in the new-age attracting people from every corner of the world. Money was the mantra for his success. Laymen were charged for entrance into the campus, the uses of toilets , food and accommodation or Seva. The darshans are charged anywhere between Rs 2500/- to 5 lakhs( very often receipts are not provided, not to mention the logo or the term ‘Oneness University’ is not registered) . The cost is hiked depending upon the status of the seeker. The pujas would cost anywhere between Rs 108 for kalasha pujas and can go up to 60000/- for homas( the idea was picked up when Krishna and Preetha spent a considerable amount for their family havan). The daily collection per day in Neman temple affairs alone is a handsome Rs 2 crores. The course at Oneness University is charged Rs 5600 and even 7000 to 25000 for elite group in metropolis, remitting in annual income of Rs 3000 crores from western courses alone. The fees accumulated every week for courses in four Indian languages with minimum 150 to 1000 participants can turn any auditor’s head numb! But volunteers are always given a context for the need of more donations.

He took the opportunity of introducing his lunatic illiterate “divine consort” to public as the bestower of all boons. This was a well planned set up to high light his family to the public, swindle money and keeping his dasas occupied with “Seva”. His own disciples were becoming public figures and he sensed that its time to tighten the grip. He pulled back all his dasas and corrupted their austerity in the name of freedom from conditionings and emphasized on creating volunteers who were a part of the society thus creating an illusion for the public that it was a people’s movement.

In the year 2003 he smuggled drugs banned by the South American government into the ashram with the help of his senior disciple Giri alias Anandagiri who use to travel abroad often. In the name of exploring higher states of consciousness he drugged his own disciples who had no exposure what so ever pursuing them that it was necessary to cleanse the mucous in the body to aid the enlightenment process. Later he made public witness the disciples in drug -stricken trance and swayed the public that they were in par with the spiritual masters of the past. The public bought all the stories of enlightened states that he sold. The western became easy targets and more than 2000 devotees were given an Indian drug called ‘bhang’ and other substances. When an Andhra Pradesh devotee charged them with drug abuse, they abandoned the entire methodology and covered it up with yet other stories. Black magic became a common affair in dispelling the enemies and competitors. Some gruesome process for enlightenment like tamascal (midnight ritual in the forest had claimed the lives of 3 people who died due to snake bite) but nothing went to the notice of the law. The once garlanded villager Muniratnam is living on roads today in the name of enlightenment! People began to throng the campus and he was in need of more lands to accommodate the participants. He had by then come up with the concept of golden temple or oneness temple and nourished his son’s bank balance using public money that was donated to the construction of oneness temple. Followers fell into the bottomless well of collecting more and more donation to build this gargantuan structure matching his huge ego standing with the story that it would accommodate 8000 meditators who would create a Morphogenic shift in the army of 64,000 people (an idea picked up from Sri Aurobindo’s ashram at Pondicherry). People played all filthy games to accomplish the ‘mahadeeksha’ designation. The cement cost when work started with the contract between Oneness and L&T was Rs 51. Vijay Kumar claims to have spent Rs 350 crores on the marble palace of enlightenment but L&T records does not show the same. Intellectual followers questioned the organizers but were silenced because the dasas were instructed to play the guilt games with the public. Many main co-coordinators began to leave the movement both in India and the west alike. The number of acharyas reduced to 3. The first one to have left was Mr. Shankar alias shankarbhagavathpada-the “paramacharya” who lit the “akhanda jyothi” at the Anna Nagar temple.where is the paramacharya and his akhanda jyothi? No explanations were given what so ever. 3 achrayas also left but public were distracted with newer stories to relish. As the demand for enlightenment soured high, there was no escape route for the much experienced master of spiritual trade. Hence he began gambling with public emotions in every possible way. Sometime the stories were about padukas (holy sandals) moving or the spirit of Amma Bhagavan entering into people and mouthing prophecies or stories about the consciousness calibration and the number of people enlightened in the movement. Every form of marketing techniques and modern technology were used into making Amma Bhagavan into spiritual giants.

Tireless efforts of genuine followers resulted in the real-estate business of his son expanding with lands in America, Australia, Fiji Island and U.K. A recent business magazine in Singapore in July 2008 issue read about Krishna as one of the powerful real estate developers owning lands worth more than 1000 crores across Singapore. Apart from this, the Vijay Kumar family owns many lands across the nation donated by genuine contributors. All the property was hidden from the public notice.

Krishna who is the Son- in- law of an ordinary brick maker travelled in business class flights, stayed only in the 7 star hotels, supplied call-girls through the abroad working dasas to his business partners with whom he frequently visited casinos and had experienced every conceivable luxury under the sun while the participant or the co-coordinators were not provided with minimal facilities during their stay in the campus. People who questioned or rebelled were subtly attacked and snubbed even as they were squeezed to the maximum.

As years rolled by the oneness temple managed itself to completion still with final finishing left unattended but the inauguration was announced. Once again dasas were sent out like trained zamindars who gave public talks and collected donations and gold with stories of golden ball (copper ball with gold coating). Sarees worth lakhs of rupees, jewelry worth crores of rupees were gifted by the innocent followers- Everything in the name of God; Everything for the sake of mankind.

The blood and sweat of every middle class follower was mingled with the black money that was pooled into making of the Oneness structure. But when the inauguration days neared the event failed miserable in its management and public went out of control. People suffered with lack of basic facilities. Even drinking water was charged for the Indian seekers but special food and wine party was arranged for the western VIPs. Nothing mattered to the “divine couple” as along as money came in. The inauguration was a total failure that sent a spark across the hearts of thousands of seekers lighting the fire of several questions, but public were given no explanation instead the great lord met coordinators in batches and fed them with cooked up stories of naxalites attack and all possible crap. (No compensation was given to people who lost their near and dear once in the stampede) instead he immediately used the opportunity to market his next real estate project ‘Vaikunt’ (of which nothing is spoken of late) not giving the time for the scars of the past to heal. Faithful followers broke away from the movement with disappointments. The dasas who stood as a witness to the never ending greed of the Vijay Kumar family could no longer remain suffocated with stories, they too left with no compensation given for years of selfless service, and instead the same hands that groomed them to public fame now crushed them with condemnation and character assassination. Nothing affected Vijay Kumar and his wife because they always contemplated on dissolving the order but time and again the effort failed.

The former dasas were brutally accused of lust for money and worldly life and public remained a silent witness as ever. Offence was the best defence.Nobody questioned from where such huge amount of money came from if the dasas could easily run away with a good chunk of it! How did the movement have so much of money in the first place?

He continued to run the show with the flagship programs such as ‘breakthru’ ,mahadeeksha or Arogya deeksha with his own body infused from all possible diseases like diabetics, high B.P, decayed teeth and severe arthritis, his wife suffering with tooth aches every other day and a pair of knees that doesn’t bend, son who is infected with acidity due to alcohol and Daughter–In-Law steeped in migraine and the grand daughter with lever disorder and skin ailments and Jyoti alias Samadarshini, his senior disciple having lost a lung to TB and Anandgiri carrying Hepatitis B across the world they successfully managed to conduct health courses for general public, bollywood stars and western celebrities with the help of the dasas who themselves suffer with broken backs, intestinal malady and spondilitis due to drug abuse for more than a year. Thes funds sound stable with the courses collaborated with Anthony Robbins Company from US on 60 – 40 partnership basis.

Innocent public- men, women, children from all walks of life bonded with the idea of a personal god still wait for the promised year 2012 for enlightenment to happen- to have an out- of- box experience. They knowingly or unknowingly fail to see the ambition and selfishness behind every thought and action of oneness movement. The movement has shattered the confidence and self worth of its members, coordinators and followers thoroughly using various philosophies sporadically.

Now when the D-date is nearing- year 2012, the pinnacle of the spiritual drama, there is no option left but to wash hands. But Vijay Kumar – the master of the game knows to play with the Indian psyche. He is weaving yet another tragedy drama in the YouTube that the senior guides and his son have ran away with the money and deceived him – why aren’t they behind the bars is a question that should rise in the brain of anybody who is used to apply common sense. It is high time that the sincere followers read between lines and understand the dynamics operating behind scenes. When Bangalore based jeweler Mr. Narashima murthy with allegations against him for printing fake currency was cornered by the CBI investigators, he ended up rolling out his tongue and confessed of having given the oneness movement more than Rs. 1 crore. As CBI investigations led itself into the microscopic details of the funds raised in the oneness movement the Avatar though proclaims of having no successor after him wishing that his godly image would not disturb his son’s personal life successfully managed to write everything into his son’s name and pretended to offer free darshans hoping for clean chit from the law. The utterly loyal senior disciples behind him would go to any extend of even black painting their own public image if it benefited their master and helped them escape to foreign countries to live anonymous lives. Hope their conscience spares them sane.

Having diverted the public attention with emotional meetings Mr. Vijay Kumar is moving his final coin in the game. If spirituality and money do not go together as he stated, let him return public money or build hospitals and schools that would serve the society which he had promised the public earlier while collecting funds. By expressing his desire to destroy hierarchy is Mr. Vijay Kumar seeking public permission to abscond? People should be given direct access to him but how? Is he in all probability trying to strengthen the concept of “Skype – Darshan” whereby public would never know where he is – India or abroad? By proclaiming that there would be no successors, will his team of dasas be forced to live anonymous lives? If oneness trainers would be independent with the decision in the local body why are they dominated in charismatic spiritual hierarchy all these years? A god man, who claimed that he possessed the power to enlighten mankind single handedly, today cuts a sorry figure of his team betraying his mission. Isn’t he the same Vishnu avatar anymore? Weren’t the acharyas the scared body parts of the divine master? Why have the body parts forsaken the body? What happened to the divine family which projected itself as a spiritual dynamo to explode human conscious with divinity and would help man in the transition into a new state of consciousness as promised by his son Krishna in the huge public gathering in the Nizam collage parade grounds in the city of Hyderabad? Has the divine dynamo lost its magnetism?

If hanuman was a testimonial to his master Sri Rama, if each Padava glorified the greatness of Lord Krishna what does the character of these Acharyas who have abandoned public responsibility reflect upon their master? If Sri Rama Krishna Paramahamsa who always lived like any ordinary mortal gave the world the gift of Vivekananda, why cannot Mr. Vijay Kumar who always claimed to be sampoorna avatar create quality human beings matching at least half of vivekanand’s greatness? Having the co-operation from the ordinary masses all these years in term of money and other emotional involvment what is the new co-operation or commitment that public are expected to meet? What led him to the debt of 70 crores? If it is the maintenance of the dasas then it is the known fact that people across the nation provided provisions for them all these years. What action can the emotionally fooled followers access when he always maintained a safe stand that people who are participating in the programs or worshipping him are doing so because they chose to?

It is high time for public to wake up and observe that all the disputes currently surfacing now is nothing but a part of the master plan by Vijay Kumar, his son and the senior disciples to create confusions in the movement so that they could escape from the back doors to foreign countries. All the money is already on its way to Fiji Islands via Singapore and to U.S via Mumbai using Ajit Mitaiwala’s bank accounts even as devotees are busy with mass prayers for their all powerful God and his family. Probably it is time for public to search for god in the deepest recess of their hearts than in any tale narrated by any guru- dead or alive.